Generate Pfx File From Crt And Key

This guide will show you how to convert a .crt certificate file and associated private key, and convert it to a .pfx file using OpenSSL. This can be useful if you need to take a certificate file, and load it onto a Windows server for example.
A PFX file is a way of storing private keys, and certificates in a single encrypted file. It is commonly used to import and export certificates and keys on a Windows PC.
In the example below, the following files will be used: – this is the public certificate file. – This is the private encryption key for the above certificate. – This will be the PFX file outputted from OpenSSL.
Converting the crt certificate and private key to a PFX file


How to create a PFX file. How to create a PFX file. The file extension PFX stands for a certificate of the format PKCS#12, which contains the certificate, the intermediate certificate of the certificate authority, which ensures the trustworthiness of the certificate, and the private key. You can generate the private key on our site together. Dec 04, 2017 Questions: I need.pfx file to install https on website on IIS. I have two separate files: certificate (.cer or pem) and private key (.crt) but IIS accepts only.pfx files. I obviously installed certificate and it is available in certificate manager (mmc) but when I select Certificate Export Wizard I cannot select PFX format.

This will create a pfx output file called “”.
You will be asked for the pass-phrase for the private key if needed, and also to set a pass-phrase for the newly created .pfx file too.
You can now load this .pfx file onto a Windows machine, or wherever needed.


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Generate Pfx File From Crt And Key Pdf

You have a private key file in an openssl format and have received your SSL certificate. You'd like now to create a PKCS12 (or .pfx) to import your certificate in an other software?

Here is the procedure!

  • Find the private key file (xxx.key) (previously generated along with the CSR).
  • Download the .p7b file on your certificate status page ('See the certificate' button then 'See the format in PKCS7 format' and click the link next to the diskette).
  • a) Convert this file into a text one (PEM):

    On Windows, the OpenSSL command must contain the complete path, for example:
    c:openssl-win32binopenssl.exe ...)

  • b) Now create the pkcs12 file that will contain your private key and the certification chain:

    You will be asked to define an encryption password for the archive (it is mandatory to be able to import the file in IIS). You may also be asked for the private key password if there is one!

You can now use the file file final_result.p12 in any software that accepts pkcs12! For IIS, rename the file in .pfx, it will be easier.

Generate Pfx File From Crt And Key Online

Alternatively, if you want to generate a PKCS12 from a certificate file (cer/pem), a certificate chain (generally pem or txt), and your private key, you need to use the following command:

Create pfx file from crt and key online

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