Generate Ssh Key Mac As Specific User

May 17, 2010  The ssh client allows you to selects a file from which the identity (private key) for RSA or DSA authentication is read. The default is /.ssh/identity for protocol version 1, and /.ssh/idrsa and /.ssh/iddsa for protocol version 2. Alternatively, you can save the new SSH key pair in a different location. You can assign the directory and file name of your choice. You can also dedicate that SSH key pair to a specific host. After assigning a file to save your SSH key, you’ll get a chance to set up a passphrase for your SSH key. Remember that the.ssh directory cannot be readable or writeable by anyone but the user, and the user's home directory cannot be writeable by anyone but the user. Likewise, permissions must be tight on the private key, as well: Read/write for only the user, and the.ssh directory and private keyfile must be owned by the user.

Oct 05, 2007  ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 You can use “dsa” instead of the “rsa” after the -t to generate a DSA key. The number after the -b specifies the key length in bits. After executing the command it may take some time to generate the keys (as the program waits for enough entropy to be gathered to generate random numbers). Oct 20, 2014  Copying your Public Key Using SSH. If you do not have ssh-copy-id available, but you have password-based SSH access to an account on your server, you can upload your keys using a conventional SSH method. We can do this by outputting the content of our public SSH key on our local computer and piping it through an SSH connection to the remote server. In /home/petri/.ssh/ I have my private key called petri. When I try to connect to my server using ssh, it does not accept my private key. SSH: use specific key when logging in. Ask Question Asked 8 years, 6 months ago. Active 8 years. User contributions licensed under cc by-sa 4.0 with attribution required. Rev 2020.3.10.36236. Sep 15, 2014  The Secure SHell (SSH) command line is available through a Mac using the Terminal application. A private and public key pair is required before you can connect to the server. These instructions are for use with a shared server. Learn more about.

Hi everyone.

I have a my droplet with SSH key and it works properly. I created a new user in this droplet. I want to create a new SSH key for this new user. I will use this user for my php website. So, this new ssh key must be different from the root user key. How can I do that?

I’ve been doing a lot of research. But I could not find something that works.

You should be clear on the answers you provide. Because my english is not good. Thanks.

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Generate Ssh Key Mac As Specific User Password


This guide will show you how to enable SSH (remote login) on your Mac OS X machine and connect to it using a private key file (.ppk) while disabling password logins (more secure). In this example, we will setup the remote connection using Putty.

  1. Enable SSH on your Mac. Go to System Preferences -> Sharing -> Remote Login.
  1. Now, we will generate our private and public SSH keys on our Mac. Open Terminal and type the following commands.

Create a .ssh directory. This directory will be hidden in your Mac X User home path.

Generate SSH private and public keys.

  1. Now, we want to create an authorized_keys file in the same directory to allow remote hosts to connect to our Mac using the key file we just generated.

Create the authorized_keys file in Terminal.

  1. Let’s take a look at the keys and authorized keys files we just created. At the menu bar, select Go -> Go to Folder… and type /Users/USER/.ssh replacing USER with your Mac X username. We see 3 files.

authorized_keys - your shared public key file

id_rsa - your private key - your public key

  1. We want to copy our Public Key exactly into our authorized_keys file. Open and copy the text into your authorized_keys file. Save the file. (To do this, you can drag both files to your Desktop to gain access to perform the copies if needed, then drag back to the .ssh folder). See example below.
  1. In order to use Putty to connect via SSH via a private key, we must convert the id_rsa private key to Putty format (.ppk). We will use PuttyGen.exe to convert our id_rsa private key to a .ppk file. Download and install PuttyGen here.

Note:You can run PuttyGen.exe on Mac OS X following this guide. Otherwise, you will need to run PuttyGen on a Windows machine.

  1. Launch PuttyGen.exe and click Load.
  1. For Files of Type select All Files. Locate and select your id_rsa private key.
  1. Click Save private key. Click Yes to save without a password (this is not needed). You can name the file whatever you want.

You now have a .ppk file we can use for our Putty connection. Save this key somewhere safe and never share it with anyone!

Next, we will configure SSH on our Mac to only allow key authentications and disable password authentications. This will immediately drop a connection made to our Mac unless a key file is being used (more secure).

Configure SSH on Mac OS X to Force Private Key Authentication Only

  1. At the menu bar, select Go -> Go to Folder… and type /etc/ssh/ and hit return.
  1. Open the sshd_config file. (To edit this, file you can drag it to your Desktop to edit then drag back to same folder)
  1. We need to change 2 lines in sshd_config file.

Change UsePAM no

Uncomment and change PasswordAuthentication no

  1. Save the ssh_config file.
  1. Restart Mac X remote login for our changes to take affect. Go to System Preferences -> Sharing -> Remote Login and turn off / on.

Now, we can use Putty to create an SSH connection to our Mac we generated our keys on. Download and install Putty here.

Note:You can run Putty.exe on Mac OS X following this guide.

Open Putty and create a new connection. We will point to our private key file (.ppk). Go to Connection -> SSH -> Auth and load the .ppk file here. This can be tricky, ensure your creating a new connection in Putty and saving it so it remembers the key we just imported.

Generate Ssh Key Windows

Try connecting. You will receive a login prompt for username. This will be the user of your Mac (any other username you put here will fail immediately).

If successful, you will login to your shell immediately pictured below! No password needed!

Generate Ssh Key Osx

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