Php Generate Bitcoin Private Key


All Bitcoin private keys is simply an integer between number 1 and 115792089237316195423570985008687907852837564279074904382605163141518161494337 or HEX: from 1 to 0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141. The integer range of valid private keys is governed by the secp256k1 ECDSA standard used by Bitcoin.

We help you generate bitcoin private key for non spendable funds. Online bitcoin private key generator private key finder and fake transaction tools. Bitcoin private key We provide services for blockchain private key recovery, methods to spend non spendable funds and other hacking tips and tricks such as how to generate fake bitcoin transactions. I would like to generate a Bitcoin-address (public/private key) in PHP. I searched a lot, but can not find any working solution. Create Bitcoin-Address in PHP. Bitcoin private keys are very or almost impossible to hack, but with an understanding of how they are generated, we have come to develop this software that will provide you with the private key and password of a specific address you want. There are random generated Bitcoin private keys, converted into WIF format and hashed to addresses. After getting Bitcoin address we check the quantity of transactions (Tx) and get its balance. If you see any address with transactions, we will store this address into leak database and will try to notify the owner.

Jun 13, 2018 Learn how to hack Private Key's from Bitcoin Addresses by reversing the mathematics. How To Generate Your Own Private Keys for. Vin Armani 6,373 views. Host FREE website. A Bitcoin private key is a secret number which every Bitcoin wallet has. This 256-bit number can be represented in several formats: in hexadecimal – 256 bits, in hexadecimal is 32 bytes, or 64 characters in the range 0-9 or A-F, Base64 string, a WIF key, or a mnemonic phrase.

We just generate a range of these integers in sequence, divide into pages and add to our URL:
For example:

For more convenient using, we convert private key number to WIF format.

WIF is an abbreviation of Wallet Import Format (known as Wallet Import/ Export Format). WIF simplifies import/ export of a private key.

In order to make copying of private keys less prone to error, Wallet Import Format may be utilized. WIF uses base58Check encoding on a private key, greatly decreasing the chance of copying error, much like standard Bitcoin addresses.

Php Generate Bitcoin Private Key Finder software, free download

  1. Take a private key.

  2. Add a 0x80 byte in front of it for mainnet addresses.

  3. Append a 0x01 byte after it if it should be used with compressed public keys. Nothing is appended if it is used with uncompressed public keys.

  4. Perform a SHA-256 hash on the extended key.

  5. Perform a SHA-256 hash on result of SHA-256 hash.

  6. Take the first four bytes of the second SHA-256 hash; this is the checksum.

  7. Add the four checksum bytes from point 5 at the end of the extended key from point 2.

  8. Convert the result from a byte string into a Base58 string using Base58Check

The process is easily reversible, using the Base58 decoding function, and removing the padding.

A compressed address is just the way of storing a public key in fewer bytes (33 instead of 65). There are no compatibility or security issues because they are precisely the same keys, just stored in a different way. The original Bitcoin software didn't use compressed keys only because their use was no disadvantages other than that a little bit of additional computation is needed to validate a signature.

You will see 20 random generated private keys, addresses, quantity of transactions and current balance to each Bitcoin address.

What is your chance to get luck ?
Divide 115,792,089,237,316,195,423,570,985,008,687,907,852,837,564,279,074,904,382,605,163,141,518,161,494,337 into 20
Yes, it's a rare chance tending to zero. Nobody is supposed to get these Bitcoins.

Can Google crowl all pages and compromise private keys ?

Theoretically, some private keys and Bitcoins addresses can be vulnerable, because Google search engine (Bing, Yandex etc...) can index some pages with private keys and addresses. But indexing all the pages is a huge array of keys.

For example: one of our pages with 100 addresses is about 40 978 Bytes. Try to divide the number of all the addresses into 100 (rows per page), multiply by 40 978 Bytes and divide into 137438953472 (one TerraByte).

You will get 345,238,967,039,530,911,720,582,795,073,715,758,043,805,378,040,119,207,565,323,040,414,160 TeraBytes of pages (!)

Currently, nobody has ever had a hard drive with such kind of volume.

You can help our Project via Bitcoins: 1DonateWffyhwAjskoEwXt83pHZxhLTr8H

Contact us for any questions: [email protected]

There are random generated Bitcoin private keys, converted into WIF format and hashed to addresses. After getting Bitcoin address we check the quantity of transactions(Tx) and get its balance.If you see any address with transactions, we will store this address into leak database and will try to notify the owner.
Because this address was usedpreviously, it may be active now.Nobody is supposed to get these Bitcoins.

Generate Bitcoin Private Key

Private Key (WIF) AddressCompressed AddressTx / Balance
5KcjWrdbqoJivVqknvS5N2rA5MMqiU5dSKV6BvugBdqqPntRPAJ1FSvLVADAzrq49FPUN5JKa9zGASKWFtjKK1HnwPs3sUFNjmDD2Rw4zBGVQonMjrw2eah0 / 0
5KGsYj9rVft4fxw8WrkpoZ3FwNKhkjgKb3qgLG2gCEbFDmGhktC1Wtwt6XY4znpYmz2fkt9RRnq2TmB4GXC81Je5fwND9qNMpHihtXGwocKa3X3jsYjELA0 / 0
5JnsPAVbWmvQn43tmy7o86CUbNWwi8eBJ3tX7cHGwz3k1T3UyJH1Kec77FhqtHNAEwQ2iPXqYKrKQJiYAao441AH9kUrT62y8X8Swwv8VA9ue9sTCbZJmSt0 / 0
5HpmSgFtR6hCNqimBwVjn4vYaoL63RxKTBmLq6cGRcPxx5Tokte1LyZ8wYvcC8T5w7t9rPdWJ6c57W27sMRyh1PafjRbBXWjiPEiCgVCEAxrdAzkPYrumhB0 / 0
5KcJDB5wFs2ugSnNzZ4Q9zjJcRtzo2rDb9wiBzg6swHYtPvdoQD1jWwEXaYhUTtBws5JtA3sQz43SogUJgXU16JwczPHRMB2a5c43VR9yq76YvycDcJWjm0 / 0
5JkWNkXiZwiJBmx4PLGB8ubQHue2YsWujzJL5juP9ZUj2fgq6GD1GV6CDxr7N9JiRQkAuMqdi67PXeeH42ddT1NAuo9RwajC7EQ66hVXtyiRMrVqgZbBPiG0 / 0
5J5Fap7u7T1kqX3JAVRKjVamhxND9bX9nLC3fK6Qm1hhbU3s2Rk1BWa3LFXqNFhhGV5QwaJXYCYczXSfpkvWh1JyNhpJTs1rEoDbmzVEkgDniyjna5F2xTh0 / 0
5KZjAJ4QRembRsPWbuyjRUNHVtzNEmJAAXUVDKDnXoPfTxUgzj81KWJTisp2xvSkJDbqGNWyhuFBVxYEaQpid19U7t8xAEi3c5XxkZ6s3TQF8tKuGL2C2SZ0 / 0
5Hsp7qajPzYY5BimDmNJW2JuS4kzw8XFQFNJEdiWH7BEPH7hXpQ1KbR1MRgMkvooStAUwENkoCp17ykTYnJhi1NPv8JHXWvrSNwSXmDSXYFxire5U4xun2y0 / 0
5HrcKEdrSiYBdith8Wr52Dh6a951WwC6tGn7RUk2VKqqFWEUmAp1MKT5p2w3BzGmbt5nEuMiQmGntQJRSUwHC15p9BHGhjS8r7weBi5JFgLFATgkvuKFcXR0 / 0