Aws Generate Video Rtmp From Browser Source Streaming Key

Now that you have you content streaming through RTMP to a player, next you will want to get it working with signed URL's (again, so other sites can't just copy your RTMP path and play it back through their own site with jwplayer attached). In rails at least, the best way to generate a signed url is to use this gem. Simply click the + button under Source, choose Screen Capture, and select which desktop you want to capture. Click OK, and you should see OBS mirroring your desktop. Now it's time to send your newly configured video stream to your server. In OBS, click File Settings. Click on the Stream section, and set Stream Type to Custom Streaming Server. Utilizes AWS Transcribe Streaming to create live captions for live video streaming. This solution uses AWS MediaLive as the encoder, AWS MediaPackage, Amazon Translate, Amazon Transcribe Streaming, Amazon S3, and Amazon Lambda. Apr 16, 2018 AWS Elemental MediaLive is a broadcast-grade live video processing service. It lets you create high-quality video streams for delivery to broadcast televisions and internet-connected multiscreen devices, like connected TVs, tablets, smart phones, and set-top boxes.

This repository contains a Docker container that, when started, will join an Amazon Chime meeting by PIN and broadcast the meeting's audio and video in high definition (1080p at 30fps) to an RTMP endpoint you specify. The broadcast participant joins the meeting in the muted state. The meeting PIN must be unlocked in order for the broadcast participant to join the meeting.

Aws Generate Video Rtmp From Browser Source Streaming Key


You will need Docker and make installed on your system. As this container is running a Firefox browser instance and transcoding audio and video in real time, it is recommended to use a host system with at least 8GB RAM and 4 CPU cores, such as an m5.xlarge EC2 instance running Ubuntu Linux 18.04 LTS.


The input for the container is a file called container.env. You create this file by copying the container.env.template to container.env and filling in the following variables:

  • MEETING_PIN: the PIN for the Amazon Chime meeting you wish to broadcast (without any spaces in it)
    • Example: 1234567890
  • RTMP_URL: the URL of the RTMP endpoint,
    • Twitch example: rtmp://<stream key>
    • YouTube Live example: rtmp://<stream key>
Aws Generate Video Rtmp From Browser Source Streaming Key

Aws Generate Video Rtmp From Browser Source Streaming Key West


Aws Generate Video Rtmp From Browser Source Streaming Key On Mac

To build the Docker image, run:

Once you have configured the container.env file, run the container:

Aws Generate Video Rtmp From Browser Source Streaming Key Youtube

Aws Generate Video Rtmp From Browser Source Streaming Key

The container will start up and join the given Amazon Chime meeting as the <Broadcast> attendee and start streaming H.264/AAC in FLV format to the given RTMP endpoint.

When your broadcast has finished, stop the stream by killing the container:

If you launched an EC2 instance to host the Docker container, you may also want to stop the instance to avoid incurring cost.